A tree in the eastern foothills of Mt. Hood, Oregon
I began seriously writing and editing during my high school days at Columbia High School, now Reynolds High School, in Troutdale, Oregon. My senior year, I won first place in news writing at the 1982 annual high school journalism conference at the University of Oregon. I garnered individual and staff awards at a Northwest high school journalism conference in Seattle, WA, and I won a scholarship from The Halton Company, which I used to attend the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism. I graduated from the University of Oregon in 1987 with a BA in journalism, with an emphasis on advertising, and minored in political science.
Since 2006 I've provided technical writing, editing, and website administration and analytics for Intel, working closely Intel engineers and marketing teams to produce product launch marketing materials. I applied Intel editing and legal protocols, and concentrated on ensuring accurate and essential information to create
targeted and compelling communications, primarily through Web and video. For RE/MAX equity group, inc, Netropole Inc., and for Off the Wall Media, I have provided website content and search engine optimization services for some of their clients, occasionally consulting on page content and layout.
I was the Publicity Chair for the Washington County Republicans from 1999 to 2000, where I produced and disseminated several news releases to the Portland-area media. I have performed similar duties for Veloclothes.com, and Western Construction Services, Inc, where I also produced a brochure and copy for their website. As editor of the Mission Portland Update, in conjunction with the Billy Graham 1992 Portland Crusade, I was the editor and lead reporter for a monthly publication. I had direct experience writing and editing copy, and contacted Portland media about upcoming events leading up to the three-day crusade, held at Portland Civic Stadium, now Providence Park.
You’ve got a product or a service, an idea, a message, or a story to communicate, with a hundred different ways to do it. Your audience has more demand for its attention from numerous sources than ever before. There is a premium for ensuring your message is noticed, well received, understood, and acted upon. Whatever method you choose to reach your audience, ensure the words you are using are intelligent, fresh, effective, and that they generate the results you are looking for. A product's image is on the line.
Write4U can help you to better communicate to your audience, generate more sales, and in general, to make sure what you say is communicated clearly and intelligently. There’s a couple of ways that we can get the ball rolling. Contact me, and we can set a time to visit and to take stock of your current communications. Write4U will review your current content in whatever form it’s in, and prepare a report for you to consider. Or contact me regarding a project you have in mind, and we’ll discuss the details. Don’t let your product or service be the victim of a weak or flawed message. Find new ideas and perspectives and be sure you are doing all you can to reach your audience with a concise and well-conceived message.
Technology will not replace the necessity of words in communication, although the words themselves may change. Words are vital in the accurate articulation of ideas, issues, opinions, messages, suggestions, theories, and views. In the arena of information and ideas, words must be chosen carefully, especially when they are displayed, and are essential in the desired description of your product, service, or company.
I look forward to continuing to provide these services for my clients and helping them to incorporate new technologies and forms of communication to come. See more at LinkedIn.